The mission of WCS is simple: to help customers realize the promise of information technology.
We are constantly bombarded with ads and news stories about how great technology is and how it can save us everything - time, money, energy - while at the same time making us oh, so happy! After we buy all this stuff and get it home from the store, we quickly realize that you need to learn a whole new language - and a whole new set of menus. Sometime it's nice to be able to call someone in who can easily translate - as well as tell you whether the product is broken, or it just takes a little more to get it to do its magic!

Willis Computer Solutions Inc (WCS) is owned and operated by Andy Willis, native of Galena and life long resident of the area. Andy has been fixing, building, tweaking and (mostly) cursing computers in the Galena area since 1995. At any give time, day or night, you will find him glued to a computer or running frantically late to get to the next one.